Soul Care provides comprehensive Case Management services as a collaborative process to assess, plan, implement and coordinate options and services for optimal patient outcomes. The process includes assessing the patient’s condition at baseline, continually monitoring and evaluating the patient’s care plan, providing ongoing support and identifying and communicating red flags indicating when a patient’s health may be deteriorating

The Case Management/Coordination program will provide:

  • Special needs assessment and management
  • Personal Support Services
  • Pre- and Post-hospitalization transitional care coordination
  • Chronic Disease Management including expertise in Nursing, Mental Health, Psychology, Rehabilitation, and Gerontology
  • Telephonic visit available for Case Management
  • Nutrition management
  • Patient Education
  • Counseling
  • Improve health care quality and reduce medical expenses for those with complex chronic conditions

The goals of our Case Management program are to:

  • Improve health care quality and reduce medical expense for those with complex chronic conditions.
  • Provide options so patients can make informed decisions about their own health.
  • Educate patients and their family or caregivers about healthy coping mechanisms.
  • Prevent or delay additional morbidity in targeted populations.
  • Counsel patients to maintain a high level of wellness for the duration of the lifespan.

Soul Care accomplishes these goals by:

  • Emphasizing prevention of exacerbating conditions and complications through the implementation of evidence-based protocols and patient empowerment strategies.
  • Provide highly trained Case Managers who work closely with patients and their physicians to ensure the delivery of appropriate and timely medical services. This is facilitated through educating patients regarding their responsibility in the physician/patient relationship.
  • Helping patients get the appropriate attention they require from our extensive resources to facilitate the management of their health and improve their quality of life.

There are many important considerations when one needs to implement an extended care program for a loved one. Please call us today to learn how our program can serve you.

Long-Term Care Assessment Program

The LTC program provides a licensed nurse to the client’s home to conduct a comprehensive medical assessment to establish qualification for covered in-home services by the client's insurer.

The assessment consists of assessing the client's:

  • Medical history
  • Medications
  • Cognitive and mental capabilities
  • Home environment
  • Current or active service plan

For further information, Contact Us at 847-260-5140

Bringing innovative, high quality healthcare to your home.

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